SVG Syntax Tree Generator


Terminals: Non-terminals:
Font size:


Use labelled bracket notation. This app will build the tree as you type and will attempt to close any brackets that you may be missing. Save the image to your computer by clicking on the button "Download tree as an SVG-file". For more information, including on how to draw movement lines, visit the wiki.

Examples (try one or two of them)

(1) [[un-] [[lock] [-able]] (= cannot be locked)

(2) [adj [prefix un-] [adj [verb lock] [suffix -able]] (= cannot be locked)

(3) [[[un-] [lock]] [-able]] (= can be unlocked)

(4) [adj [verb [prefix un-] [verb lock]] [suffix -able]] (= can be unlocked)

(5) [VP [VP [V° call] [DP^ her mother]] [DP^ next week]]

(6) [NP [NP [N° teacher] [PP^ of linguistics]] [PP^ with an American accent]]

(7) [IP [DP [D° This]] [I' [I° will] [VP [V° generate] [DP^ trees]]]]

(8) [IP [DP [D° The] [NP [NP [N° book]] [CP [DP_1 which] [C' [C° []] [IP [DP [D° we]] [I' [I° []] [VP [V° bought] [DP [t_1]]]]]]]]] [I' [I° [was_2]] [VP [V° [t_2]] [AdjP [Adj° awful]]]]] (with indices)

(9) [IP [DP [D° The] [NP [NP [N° book]] [CP [DP_x which] [C' [C° []] [IP [DP [D° we]] [I' [I° []] [VP [V° bought] [DP t]]]]]]]] [I' [I°_y was] [VP [V° t] [AdjP [Adj° awful]]]]] (with arrows)

SVG-files can be inserted as pictures in e.g. Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer.
SVG-files can be also be displayed by browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, or Microsoft Edge.

To run SVG Syntax Tree Generator on your own computer, download this zip-file.

(C) 2011 by Miles Shang, see license.
Adapted for SVG by Patrick Clicqué-Göbel, 2023
(in collaboration with Sten Vikner & Ken Ramshøj Christensen)